Witnessing his father being killed by the State, will he rise up in resistance? - Movie Papua
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Witnessing his father being killed by the State, will he rise up in resistance?

Written By Papuani on Friday, January 4, 2019 | 3:24 AM

The sweeping of the Papua Merdeka Organization National Liberation Army (TPN OPM) by the Indonesian National Army and the Indonesian Republic Police ((TNI-POLRI), has also made the Traumatic Conditions of Children Nduga.

 In Nduga it should be done professionally, if it is not going to sacrifice the children of the next generation. They are isolated from education services, health by the government and government services to the people in the sweeping area should be treated specifically.

Apart from being isolated from the natural and geographical conditions of the region, it also contributed to the complexity, government services for the people there. Even this region at certain times often experiences natural disasters such as frost, the threat of which is hunger, malnutrition and death.

For this reason, any approach in this area by its parent country considers the above aspects. Another aspect that is more important is children's access to their rights. The biggest problem in child development is trauma.

Trauma is a sudden occurrence that can leave a deep impression on one's soul so that it can damage one's physical and psychological condition. The sudden situation can be violent in the family environment, other disasters and war.

The ability of each person to deal with this sudden and detrimental situation differs depending on the resistance of each person. Endurance power of each person is influenced by the process of planting values ​​(internalization) in each development task, many of these internalization processes occur in childhood.

Child resilience is influenced by factors such as family, environment and protection system by the state. The three systems that affect the resilience system, which can show the adaptability of children in facing the challenges of their lives.

As I mentioned above, if the government services run well in fulfilling children's rights such as the right to life, growth and participation, then children in this condition of service are vulnerable children. This means that children like this physical and psychological endurance must be very weak.

This description gives us an idea that when the vulnerability of Nduga children in the area of ​​the Indonesian National Armed Forces sweeping against these sudden conditions, children were in a weak condition. We have seen footage of TNI violence in front of children, how the child's testimony saw his father being shot in front of him as reported by BBC media and the sound of gunshots.

All of these conditions have shown that the victims who have fallen are not only TNI POLRI and TPM OPM but also children who have witnessed the casualties. Trauma in children can cause antipathy towards the perpetrator and even cause a deep hatred for injuring children.

Impingement of hatred is not done directly but will generally usually be released when he is an adult, although usually we will find symptoms at this time, and only with assessment of social workers or psychologists to children who witnessed directly (victims) that will show the depth of the wound.

We find many conditions for children who witnessed the war in Plestina, for example, many children were injured and there were militant groups of children who held weapons to fight violence with weapons.

The conditions in Papua may be somewhat similar but different because many events (sudden events) that occur due to arrogance, abortion of the TNI in carrying out military operations and several new-order rice fields are used as military operations. Many children witnessed the incident first hand, we did not see children taking up arms at that time like in Palestine, but the spirit of antipathy towards the country and the rebellion had been preserved since the children.

Until now, many children in the military operations area have not sympathized with development, but they prefer to rebel against the Government and many of them are joined in a hard line to take up arms, some are also members of civil organizations such as the KNPB and Gempar Papua and organizations others.

We know that more and more military actions from year to year cannot even solve the problem, even the rebellion movement to the state is getting weaker. There are also children who were victims of military violence to their parents today, they have become leaders of independent Papuan fighters, for example Benny Wenda, Buktar tabuni, and others.

The task of the Government has been very heavy because this problem can not only be solved by apology in the mass media, but in entering another new value (ideology) embedded in the children of victims is a new ideology.

We know, many theories that recognize the condition of parents are repetitive behaviors that have been acquired during childhood. Many children's development tasks that fail in the past will be repeated when he is an adult.

Before the child continues to get hurt, it's good for parents to apologize before the child grows up. If you apologize if the child is mature the wound is difficult to treat.

What the state can do now to children in conflict areas or former Military Operation areas (DOM/MOA) is to provide health facilities, education and Human Resources (HR), based on trauma healing. Need a special approach considering the traumatic condition of the child. Before government services must require an assessment of each child in the conflict area or DOM is obliged to ensure a traumatic history list so that treatment to them is more specific. For prosea healing.

I have not seen efforts that lead to protection of children by the state when child state policies are carried out without regard to children's rights that need to be protected in accordance with the UN convention concerning children's rights that must be protected by the state. If the state knows but tolerates this condition, then the state has violated human rights for children in Nduga today.

How the Church sees this, we must provide child counseling service facilities in the DOM/Moa area or conflict. The seeds given due to military arrogance can also cause mental damage to children and children will grow by shining revenge and can change due to negative things such as violence against other children or more than that and the generation that will emerge in the future is the generation of rebels.

Church services and local governments must look at current development with different perspectives, we must develop a victim-based approach (who are the people we serve) open how much money and infrastructure they need. Because the traumatic conditions of the Papuan people have deeply hurt every generation in this land.

Let's build a strong nation starting from building strong HUMAN CHILDREN. God bless.

Written by, Amoye Pekei

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