Political Status West Papua Should Be Finalized Through International Supreme Court And History West Papua - Movie Papua
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Political Status West Papua Should Be Finalized Through International Supreme Court And History West Papua

Written By Papuani on Wednesday, August 12, 2015 | 1:47 AM

Political Status West Papua Should Be Finalized Through International Supreme Court o Justice (ICJ)  And History West Papua

Other sources of book historians Papua and Di Write By: Ones Nesta Suhuniap, Secretary General of the Central KNPB

The security situation and human rights in the territory of West Papua have been disrupted since Ir. Soekarno President of the Republic of Indonesia is taking inisiative joint Indonesian military made efforts to seize the colony Nederlands Nieuw Guinea and West Papua master of colonial power the Netherlands Government tanpah inisiative rights and is opposed by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Drs. Mohamad Hatta on the grounds of different race and ethnicity as well as the obligation of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia respects Self Determination Papuans.

However Ir. Indonesian President Sukarno remained in his will which is contrary to the Charter of the United Nations June 26, 1945, United Nations Resolution number 1514 (XV) of December 20, 1960 and the first paragraph of the Preamble of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945.

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Ir.Soekarno notices announcing Tri Komado People (TRIKORA) in Square Jog Jakarta, December 19, 1961 started the crimes against Papuan human rights by committing acts of infiltration, confrontation and annexation of West Papua region without the right to exploit the political situation of a world divided between the forces of the Communist group led by China and the Soviet Union along with the liberal group led by the United States.

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia successfully embraced by the United States Government, supported by the Army and received an offer of settlement through negotiations facilitated by the US Ambassador at the United Nations (UN) Mr.Oswalt Bunker.

Mr. Oswalt Bunker US Ambassador to the United Nations New York mendesaign Agreement in principle to secure the goals and interests of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to the United States Government hopes to get the right investment in Indonesia particularly in West Papua through an agreement document that didesaign Mr. Oswalt Bunker, it is evident in the signing of the Contract of Work PT. Free Port Mc. Moran 1966 on the exploitation of Gold and Copper Mine in Tembagapura West Papua before the implementation of the National Self-Determination in the former colony Nederlands Papua New Guinea in 1969 sebagimana Article 18 d and 22 paragraph 1 of the New York Agreement signed by the Government of the kingdom of the Netherlands and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on August 15, 1962 in the building of the Secretariat of the United Nations in New York.

Since the end of the Provisional Government of the United Nations UNTEA former colonies in West Papua New Guinea Nederlands May 1, 1963 and then Power Administration submitted to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, in the month of Ir. Indonesian President Sukarno issued a decree of President of the Republic of Indonesia, No. 8 / May / 1963 Declare: "Banning or blocking on the rise of the branches of the New Party in West Irian. In the area of ​​West Irian prohibited political activities in the form of public meetings, public gatherings, demonstrations, printing, publication, announcements, dissemination, trade or articles, public exhibitions, drawings or photographs without the permission of the governor or official first an official appointed by the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, No. 8 / May / 1963 is evidence of a violation of article 22 paragraph 1 of the New York Agreement dated August 15, 1962 which was signed by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, No. 8 / May / 1963, giving legitimacy to the Indonesian military to intimidate and arrest operations, arbitrary detentions without evidence of wrongdoing against the indigenous people of Papua, torture, rape of women and mothers Papua, robbery and the confiscation of property of citizens indigenous Papuans, killing of human rights activists and the people of Papua Democracy loud for justice and the rule of article 22, paragraph 1 Approval of New York August 15, 1962 which was signed by the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.

Crimes against Democracy and Human Rights of the people of Papua by the Indonesian military lasted until the implementation of the Act of 1969, July-August under the legitimacy of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, number: 8 / May / 1963.

In 1967, by Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 199/1967, West Irian as one project among 17 National Projects are experiencing change the composition through the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 18/1969, made Sectors where Irian Barat (West Papua) is included as one of the Special sector.

For the implementation of the Special Sector Operations, Amir Machmud Minister of Interior of the Republic of Indonesia as Chairman of Sector West Irian immediately issue implementing provisions that include:

a. Decree of the Minister of the Interior No. 31 s / d 38/1968, on the Establishment of Regions-District Council District.

b. Decree of the Minister of the Interior No. 29/1969, on the Improvement of Organizational Structure, Duties and Powers and Procedures Working Sector West Irian.

c. Decree of the Minister of the Interior No. IB X / 1/1/2, of the Operations Manual which is the wisdom of the Interior Minister as Chairman of Sector West Irian.

d. Interior Minister Instruction No. 1 / X / 1969, tenteng Realization Stabilization and Djuni in May 1969 and Security Implementation Act.

e. Guideline No. 12 of 1969, concerning the working mode of the Establishment Committee Deliberation Councils Act in District-District in West Irian.

Provisions referred to in point a to e confirms that the 1969 Act be implemented in the form of deliberations-consensus through representatives selected and appointed by the Committee for Sector West Irian consultation begins 14 July 1969 on the DMP Merauke until completed on August 2, 1969 in DMP in Jayapura.

Board Member Council Act (DMP) which was prepared by the Committee of Sector West Irian in 1969, was assigned to read the manuscript Statement which has been designed by the Government of West Irian as Sector Committee in the deliberations-consensus that the sound of the sentence as follows: "Stay united with the Republic of Indonesia and do not want to be separated from the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. "

Description Act Deliberation Council Member Statement that manuscript is read and signed by them is very contrary to their conscience, but they can not fight because since chosen and designated as a member of the DMP until then picked up and delivered by the Indonesian military toward the building where the implementation of Council-consensus , On their way under pressure and threatened to be killed by the Indonesian military, if the word spoken contrary to the draft declaration prepared by the Committee of Sector West Irian and submitted to the Council Board Member of the Act.

In late 1969, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Mr.Adam Malik, present the results of the implementation of the Act of flawed implementation law to the Secretary General of the United Nations as a report to meet the obligations set out in article 21 paragraph 1 Approval of New York 15 August 1962.

In 1971, the United Nations approved Resolution 2504, which received the 1969 Act of the implementation and results of July - August. The 2504/1971 resolution provides legitimacy to the foreign government of the Republic of Indonesia to colonize and commit human rights violations in West Papua without constituted a genuine implementation of the referendum according to international practices;

Furthermore, the legitimacy under Resolution 2504/1971 of the United Nations, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia under the leadership of Gen. Suharto President of Indonesia establish territory West Papua as Military Operations Area (DOM) which is supported by the Doctrine of the Armed Forces dual function in the New Order and has killed more than a hundred thousand indigenous people of West Papua without cause errors but only because demand justice for the Implementation of Self Determination Papuans.

West Papua's political status within the Republic of Indonesia is a major issue of West Papua. Status, not final.

Then, How is it done?

There are two ways that can be taken in resolving internationally, which is friendly and peacefully or by force. However, after World War II, the United Nations menyeruhkan not by force. Way of a peaceful solution there are two, namely politically and legally. Politically include negotiation, good jasajasa, mediation, conciliation, investigation, and resolution under the auspices of the United Nations. While legally done through international legal institutions that have been established (Supreme Court of the International).

Supreme Court of International.

Supreme Court of the International, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the UN judicial body based in The Hague, Netherlands. It serves to menyelesaian internaasional cases in accordance with international law considerations. So, if you want to finish the problem of West Papua, the people of West Papua with all his strength to make West Papua as a region in conflict. Do not stand, move and act.

When the International Court of Justice to speak, the International Lawyers West Papua need. So, this time we got the International Lawyers for West Papu ILWP. Remember, ILWP is a lawyer in West Papua. Because the case of West Papua is the case with regard to the process of international law.

With this Suhuniap then Nesta who is a Secretary General KNPB Saying, state and military officials as well as the Police have lost sense to restore people's trust in the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) in Papua. Papuans have never felt that they were part of the Homeland. Papuans have never felt fart into Indonesian people. Because there is always a difference in his conscience. What did the authorities in Merauke very embarrassing.

Homeland STOP impose the will of the people of Papua to Jakarta and Indonesia because the people of Papua have never fought with Indonesia, Papua people never get involved preformance oath of youth and the proclamation of 17 August 1945. People of Papua has its own history of struggle and continue to fight until this moment. Indonesia as a democracy provides that the referendum in Papua Papua determine the future destiny freely. Obviously Nesta. Papuani

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